“Carla’s virtual Movie Restaurant is an amazing “virtual” experience that doesn’t seem virtual. This venue for artists to be able to share their personal narratives on the environment, birthdays, or whatever they are experiencing is critically needed now in this world where we seem so divided and need to listen to each other more so we can reach a higher level of understanding. We need to figure out a way to spread this work more widely so others have this opportunity to tell their story through their artistic endeavors.”
“Communities need stuff like this. The arts have always depended on people with resources to be patrons. You will find people are generous. CMR can be very powerful, make a difference. ”
“Having the chance to express oneself through creating art on canvas, playing an instrument, or singing are just a few ways people with disabilities shine their light. Carla founder of CMR and her experienced staff are positively impacting the lives of people with disabilities to take part in opportunities to show their art or perform before an audience.
Walt Whitman said, ‘Keep your face always toward the sunshine – and shadows will fall behind you.’ This is what Carla has created for all of us – opened doors for self-expression, appreciation of talent, and the enjoyment of being entertained by gifted individuals.”
“Carla is the entrepreneur with vision, creative. In entrepreneurship, it’s how creative and persistent someone is. You have perseverance in Carla.”
“Filmmakers want that and people involved in the community want that as well. I tell them it’s a place for the community to see things they’ll never see. I never catch anyone that’s not interested in it. They think it’s really cool”
“Thank you very much for this wonderful experience! I am very glad I got to sell the first edition of my prints from this event.”
“CMR provides young aspiring artists a place to meet other people who are in the same life path, to be able to commune with other artists and have a support system of people and a community.”
“The purpose of art is to feel something. When you make a piece of art, you put your emotions into it. And then when someone looks at it, listens to it, or watches it, they can feel what you were feeling at that time.”
“CMR has provided me the opportunity to use my artistic abilities in many different ways. I have been an intern for their filmmaking, production, and acting, performed music by singing and playing my guitar, exhibited my paintings and my other artwork, and learned social skills with popup venues that are both virtual and in person. I look forward to my continued success and projects with CMR.”
“My son thoroughly enjoys interning for CMR and participating in their popups where he gets to use his wonderful artistic abilities. CMR provides a safe and inclusive environment for artists of all kinds and abilities, where they can work together on artistic projects unrestricted by their disability. I am very grateful for CMR and its professionalism. We look forward to a future with this program. ”
“After making independent films for over 10 years, I’ve learned one thing: you’ve got to show your film.Carla’s Movie Restaurant provides a stage, an audience, and a voice for young filmmakers, which is absolutely critical to their growth as artists”
“CMR is a breath of fresh air and love and acceptance.”
“Thank you to CMR for giving me an opportunity to perform in my first professional entertainment role!!”
On Our Pup-Up Events…
“I really appreciate your team doing this for our fur babies.”
“Such a fun day, Thank you Carla for a great idea!”
“… congratulations on your continued success. You will be in the Community Calendar”