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Items with artwork by CTSArtist




Set of 4 coasters w/mixed artwork (includes wooden holder | $25 (Free Shipping)


Set of 4 coasters w/mixed artwork (includes wooden holder | $25 (Free Shipping)


Set of 4 coasters with gloss finish, cork backing, made by artist in California

Available Artwork: Set consists of mixed artwork (Space, Forest Tree, Whales Jumping, and Little Mermaid)
$25 (Free Shipping)


Tote Bag

Tote Bag w/Whales Jumping artwork | $18 (Free Shipping)

Tote Bag

Tote Bag w/Whales Jumping artwork | $18 (Free Shipping)

Tote Bag

Waterproof tote bag, all nylon, folds up to 3" x 4", printed by artist in California
Available Artwork: Whales Jumping (pictured above)
$18 (Free Shipping)

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Cage of the Different People

Cage of the Different People: A Story of Brotherly Love by Benjamin Valdivia | Prices vary by retailer

Cage of the Different People

Cage of the Different People: A Story of Brotherly Love by Benjamin Valdivia | Prices vary by retailer

Cage of the Different People:

A Story of Brotherly Love

by Benjamin Valdivia

Little Carla does not move as fast as the other children in school. Instead of helping her, they separate her from the games. Soon she is forced to stay in a cage built by the school to keep her safe from the running and playing in the playground. This only makes her feel more left out. If all of us are different, why keep Carla apart? Can her brother Alex make the others see that everyone is different in his own way?
Share with your kids just how wonderful it is to be unique with author Benjamin Valdivias vibrantly illustrated book, The Cage of the Different People.

Available online at the following retailers:

Barnes and Noble

iTunes Store - iPhone/iPad App
Many of the pages have an optional Paint Me feature for children to finger paint the pages and create their own custom version of the book. Additional features: Professional voice over, table of contents control to navigate easily through the book and an audio on/off control.